Plastic Free + Zero Waste Packaging Solutions
The Eversio Wellness functional mushroom extract supplements you know and love just got a ZERO WASTE upgrade. Eversio mushroom extract capsules and blends now come in 100% compostable refill pouches for a healthier you and a healthier planet. This new refill system cuts down on carbon emissions and waste thanks to the addition of light weight and compostable refill pouches. Keep reading to learn how refills work with your Eversio Wellness supplement routine.

We Are a Planet Positive Company with Zero Waste Initiatives!
Simply put, we are part of an industry that needs improvement. Many supplements designed to keep us well are packaged in PLASTIC, which isn't beneficial for our planet. The global supplement industry creates 1.8 billion plastic bottles every year. It is predicted that more than 70% of these will end up in oceans or landfills due to inefficient waste and recycling systems. It MUST STOP. No more excuses. It's time for ALL companies, large and small, to find alternatives to plastic packaging.
Our sustainability goal is to inspire every other supplement brand to do their part to end plastic pollution in the supplement industry. Together, we can change the world. Can you imagine if every store in the health and wellness space had a plastic-free policy? Just picture those shelves with no plastic bottles. Now that would be HEALTH & WELLNESS for us and our planet. We want to push the boundaries of what’s possible with our zero waste initiatives.
Introducing Our Zero Waste Planet Positive Refill System
Our Planet Positive Refill System protects your mushroom extracts, then sends bio-based, compostable packaging back to the Earth, returning nutrients to the soil. With infinitely reusable glass jars and 100% Home Compostable refill pouches, we are proud to be a ZERO WASTE mushroom supplement brand!

Our Glass Jars
Our sustainable packaging system starts with our refillable glass jars and metal lids. Glass is a trusted and proven infinitely reusable packing solution that has always been a first choice for consumer health, product safety, and the environment. Why choose glass?
- Sustainably Produced
- Infinitely Recyclable
- Infinitely Reusable
- Excellent Light Protection
- Excellent Moisture Protection
- Excellent Oxygen Protection

Our Home Compostable Refill Pouches
Offering refills in compostable flexible pouches reduces the number of new glass jars that need to be manufactured for our products. The fewer new jars produced, the less impact on the planet. Our pouches are the perfect material to safely deliver your monthly refill of mushroom supplements to you. Pour the contents of the pouches into your original glass jar, compost the pouch, and you're set for another month (or two)! Zero waste!
How Our ZERO WASTE Refill Pouches Support Sustainability

Cuts down on carbon
By limiting the production and transport of our heavier glass jars - our ultra-light refills can be ordered to refill your original jar when more supplements are needed, which measurably lowers our carbon footprint

Minimizes waste
Our refill pouches are 100% compostable and will decompose into nutrient-rich compost rather than ending up with the 91% of other potentially recyclable materials that end up in landfills or oceans

Begins with a cleaner source
The compostable materials used to make our pouches come from bio-based sources, not petroleum-based materials, giving them a cleaner lifecycle

Eliminates single-use packaging
Thanks to the compostable nature of our refill pouches, we can avoid adding anything to landfills which are a major source of greenhouse gas emissions

Puts nutrients back in soil
Composting is regenerative and provides a nutrient-rich output that can be used to grow healthy plants! The ultimate sustainable packaging. More plants on our planet = less carbon in the atmosphere!

We love mushrooms!
We are grateful to Mother Nature for providing these gifts to us. Our mushrooms aren't grown in a lab; they get their oxygen and sunshine from BIG MAMA herself, and we show our gratitude for the medicine she provides by offering eco-friendly, zero waste packaging.

Our Planet Positive Refill System
Invest in a glass jar ONCE, and use it forever. When you're
ready for more mushrooms, simply purchase a home compostable refill pouch,
refill your jar, and compost the pouch. Save 15% when you subscribe for
refills on monthly delivery!

What’s the Deal with Zero Waste Packaging?
Since the 1970’s, the petroleum industry has told us that our plastics would be recycled, and that recyclable packaging is the most sustainable option. The truth is most of our recycling does not actually get recycled.

Plastic Reality
National Geographic and the Canadian Government recently reported that 91% of plastic isn’t recycled but rather is going to landfills or being incinerated.
That means only 9% of plastic is actually being recycled, and annual global plastic production has increased nearly 200-fold since 1950 - up to 381 million tonnes in 2015.
It is clear that the only thing recyclable plastic packaging achieves is more plastic.

Recycling Myths
Rigid plastic packaging has created a global recycling crisis because of the reality that it is so often not delivered to its intended recycling facility. We think we are doing our part when we toss plastic into the recycle bin, but the reality of where that plastic actually ends up is another story. It’s upsetting to hear this, and we don’t want anyone to stop recycling, but as consumers we can do better by not buying things that create issues for our planet when we are finished with them.
Exposing Recycling MythsOUR INSPIRATION
Zero Waste Initiatives To Address The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Our family-owned and operated business is committed to addressing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals wherever we can (we’d love to see big supplement companies do the same):
“The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.” -

Here are two goals that Eversio is taking action to address:
Goal 13: Addressing Warning Signs Before It’s Too Late
“Goal 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.”
Goal 14: Sustainable Action Regarding Marine Conservation
“Goal 14 - Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, sea and marine resources for sustainable development.”
Waste and Pollution Reduction
Learn about the critical impact of plastic waste on our environment, as highlighted by The Government of Canada. Discover key facts and figures on how plastic pollution affects our oceans, wildlife, and communities, and explore the initiatives and policies in place to reduce plastic waste nationwide.
Start your plastic reduction journey with us and become an ocean champion like Eversio Wellness. Sign the Plastic Wise pledge with Ocean Wise to receive inspiring stories and practical tips for reducing your unnecessary plastic.
10,000 Changes
Eliminating plastic waste will require the collective effort of all Canadians. It will take changes to what we buy, how things are made, and how we choose to live. Most importantly, it will take a commitment from every one of us.
JOIN IN on Canada's Commitment to Rethink Plastics!
Clean Seas
Eversio Wellness is a Clean Seas partner involved in the world's largest campaign for combating marine litter and plastic pollution, contributing to global momentum and leveraging opportunities to share and profile our best practices and achievements.